Electricity Rates


Residential Rate Schedule

Effective May 1, 2021

(Policy 450 Attachment 1)

Residential Service

Distribution charges:

Fixed charge: $30

kWh charge:
Under 500 kWh: $0.0495
Over 500 kWh: $0.0350

General & transmission: Varies by month

Minimum bill: $40/month

Security light: $12/month per light

1. Distribution portion (fixed and kWh) - Rate is controlled by BREC.  This is the cost of constructing, operating, and maintaining the electric distribution system.

2. Generation and Transmission - The cost of owning and operating the power plants and transmission lines necessary to produce and deliver energy to BREC.  In addition includes the cost of fuel, environmental regulations, equipment, and taxes.

General Service Single-Phase Rates

Effective May 1, 2021

(Policy 450 - Attachment 2)

Distribution charges:

Fixed charge: $34

kWh charge:
Under 500 kWh: $0.0495
Over 500 kWh: $0.0350

General & transmission: Varies by month

Minimum bill: $44/month

Security light: $12/month per light

1. Distribution Portion (fixed and kWh) - Rate is controlled by BREC. This is the cost of constructing, operating, and maintaining the electric distribution system.

2. Generation and Transmission Cost - The cost of owning and operating the power plants and transmission lines necessary to produce and deliver energy to BREC. In addition includes the cost of fuel, environmental regulations, equipment and taxes.

**The residential and general service single-phase consumers, the new minimum bill will be $40 and $44, respectively, and includes the distribution charge of $10 for the first to 200kWhs.

General Service Three-Phase

Effective May 1, 2021

(Policy 450- Attachment 3)

Distribution charges:

Fixed charge: $52.00

Distribution energy charge:
Under 300 kWh*: $0.0300
Over 300 kWh*: $0.0220

* Per kW of billing demand

General & transmission:

Demand charge: $6.25/KW
G&T energy charge: Varies by month

Minimum bill: $52.00/month

Security light: $12.00/month per light

1. Distribution portion (fixed and kWh) - Rate is controlled by BREC. This is the cost of constructing, operating and maintaining the electric distribution system.

2. General and Transmission - The cost of owning and operating the power plants and transmission lines necessary to produce and deliver energy to BREC. In addition includes the cost of fuel, environmental regulations, equipment and taxes.